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2 channel HD digital sequence, with stereo audio

Duration: 10 minute


‘Residue’ explores the residual effects of being born into Apartheid and the deep-seated trauma of exposure to systemic violence. The work reflects the social and geographical displacement due to racial oppression through the mechanics of gravity as a virulent force. The artist seeks to express the alienating effect of trauma stemming from recurring exposure to various forms of racial violence and discrimination.


Where there is smoke

Featuring the poem “Burning Man”

contributed by Myles Lambert


Single-channel HD video, with stereo audio

10 minute


'Where there is smoke' incorporates the poetry of the artist's son "Burning Man" taken from his poetry suite, exploring themes of inherited trauma, systemic cycles of violence and oppression, experienced by the father born into institutional racism. 'Where there is smoke' parallels the poetry in its union and critique of father and son, manifesting the reverence and disparity between the two and evoking the more significant systemic factors that belie their relationship.

Where there is smoke

Featuring the poem “Burning Man”

contributed by Myles Lambert


Single-channel HD video, with stereo audio

10 minute

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